Chapter 3

Graduation ceremony:

Author pov:

Every Graduating student in the college are busy with their final good byes and chit chatting about their dress ..taking snaps with their graduation robs with family, friends.
This all disturbed by the announcement to the students from the management.

"Student it's time to start the ceremony. Kindly go to the auditorium and occupy your respective seats " the announcement was repeated until every student is settled in the auditorium..

The family of the students seated at the last in the grand auditorium which was decorated elegantly.

"Anaya come the ceremony is about to start " sonali dragged anaya to the front as Anaya was the gold medalist and University first. She will be the first one receiving her degree. So she was seated in the front row .

Sonali sat beside her she was the second rank holder in the university..

And the remaining students got seated to their alloted seat .. the crowd goes pin drop silence as the Mc announced the chief guests are arriving.

" We welcome our honourable guests.
Mr. Abhinav jayveer Rathore the crown prince of Rajasthan" the Mc announced. Everyone raised from their and started clapping.

" And Mr. Prashant Anand Sharma the chief minister of Rajasthan ".

Within the few seconds the door opened the bodyguard started to come in and lined up both of the sides of the door . The clapping sounds echoed.

The crown prince Abhinav entered the room with Prashant. The faculty member entered behind them.

They majestically March towards the stage . The appearance screams power and audacity the calm face has nothing comforting because the most powerful and feared men as seated on the stage .. the auditorium become pin drop silence once they sat on their chairs.

Abhinav eyes search for Anaya and instantly found her in the front row . She seated in front of him . Their eye meet for a few seconds and Anaya broke the eye contact immediately just by looking the eyes itself something happening in her mind a new feeling which is never felt before.

His hard expression changed once he made eye contact with her. The soft side is only for her only her...

He smiled softly seeing her flustered face Prashant gave him a knowing look with a teasing smile.

Anaya POV:

Abhinav was seated in the stage . I was seeing him after a very long time it's been 3years since I saw him . He never changed though he got some extra muscle and the abs are well built. He dressed in a navy blue suit and a shirt which is doing nothing to hide his abs and the muscles. My amber eyes moved to see his hazel brown eyes just looking to me . His eyes hold so much emotions I can't figure out . I was overwhelmed by the emotions and broke the eye contact.

Turned my left side to see sonali. She was clearly checking him out sudden anger flash in me . I snapped her "why are you looking him like that" her smile dropped .

She turned " like what ? " In an mocking face .

" A child looking at a candy " i replied and turned to focus on the stage . She snort .

Soon the ceremony started the faculty gave the introduction about the chief guests. Like their achievements in this young age etc.. and the staff request Abhinav to give the guest speech.

" I would like to thank the management to give this wonderful opportunity to meet the remarkable young graduates. As we look out at this sea of eager faces, we are witnessing the potential, the passion, and the promise that these graduates hold for the future." And gives motivation for the students and explain some of his achievements.

The media present here asked some questions about the current issue and he replied for the question with a calm yet scary face. His deep voice is enough to scare a person to death .

" Sir. We all know you aren't dating anyone. So when are you getting married. " A reporter asked .

The auditorium went silent as they are also wanted to know the answer for this question no one uttered a word. Only the camera clicking sounds can be heard.

His hazel brown eyes met mine . Everything was paused around us like we are only one present in the auditorium. Without breaking the eye contact he " Soon .." with that he leave the mic sat in his chair. Gasps heard around me as the girls are heart broken to hear that there charming prince the most eligible bachelor in India was going to get married..

I turned around to see sonali looking at me with a teasing smile . I raised my eyebrow 'what '.

"Anyways One day he is going to get married right" i said she denied

"I'm saying that because I know whom he is going get married" she said with sneaky smile. Now I gasped how did she know no one will know about that.. i was snapped from my thoughts with the mc announced my name

I got up from my seat and climbed the steps walk to the center of the stage .
Abhinav stand their with a proud smile and Prashant pass a sweet smile and gave the certificate then

Abhinav wore the gold medal around my neck and fixed my hair properly and patted my head lovingly. I left the stage after passing a sweet smile for him .

I took my seat and sonali sat beside me as the ceremony isn't over so we can't leave .

"Love in the air " she said with a teasing smile. My eyes widened

"What are talking about" she smiled

"Oh come on I know something is going between you and Abhinav" she said and I was extremely shocked

"It's not like what you are thinking" i said stuttering .

" What I'm thinking. Come on girl spell the tea what's happening" i nodded as a no

" He was clearly looking at you . While said 'soon' " she said just like him.
I maintain my calm face but inside was screaming

'oh god how did she know is he that obvious no no ' i snapped out of my thoughts when lia spoke in my back seat

Lia said " didn't you see he was looking at me , my father was very close to him . I know he had a thing for me " sonali glared her.

"He is not into bitch's " sonali said with angry face .

"Who are you calling bitch " lia angrily spit those words

"Ofcourse you don't you have eyes he's clearly looking at her but your claiming yourself" sonali said

"Sonali stop come we will go outside" i dragged her outside of the auditorium as the ceremony come to an end the chief guests just left.

I dragged to the corridor "she is always like that why are you getting angry for a simple thing if she claimed herself that doesn't make her his girl ok leave it " i tried to clam her because I know if I didn't she will break the girl face.

"Yeah he's yours why would I need to angry that can't do anything" she said with a calm face .

" What.. how did you know" i asked her my voice came out as whisper..

"I just read your emotions you became flustered when you saw him and his eyes just needed your attention"

"He's seeing you as like some kind of precious treasure and he would never give that look to anyone except you " she finished..

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